Friday, December 26, 2014

Sneezing all the way

It's a been a long time and I apologize! Like many of you, I've been attending the typical family gatherings for the holiday season, and like so many of you, have been forced to endure not only insults and gossip, but coughing and germs. It's so difficult to remain gracious and giving when you're amid total chaos. But it is important to stay gracious and giving. And calm.

So, I had the flu around Thanksgiving, and then I caught something else and was disappointed and tired and upset and . . . it actually turned out to be an allergy. To the Christmas tree! I felt like I was dying and was really, really cursing being sick again, when my neighbor stopped by, looked at the tree and said, 'We can't have a real one in our house because my son has allergies.' Ding! It all became so clear. It was the tree making me sick. The burning throat, the red itchy eyes, the fatigue and the cloudy brain. But I have endured. The kids love having a real tree and I refused to haul it out, ripping ornaments off along the way. That wouldn't be fair. No, I just upped my allergy meds and bought some eye drops. But I am totally counting down the hours until I get that thing out of the house! Sorry, kids.

But going back to being around family and germs, I wanted to say something about all that hand sanitizer we use this time of the year. If you're worried about getting the flu, but hate those little bottles of clear gel that dry out your skin, I have a nice alternative. Just buy a little spray bottle at your local store and fill it with vodka. That's right, vodka. Then, drop in a small amount of your favorite essential oil. Voila! Instant hand sanitizer. You just shake it up, and spray. I use mine after leaving the store—I wait until I get in the car of course—after attending school events, doctor's appointments, etc. You get the idea. It works and it doesn't turn your skin into leather, and it smells good. There's also been some reports about phthalates and Triclosan being in Hand sanitizer, so switching to a natural alternative is not only good for your skin, it's good for you.

But the best rule of thumb is to wash your hands with good old soap and water, just like Mother told us to do. Yes, the same lady who tells us our dress looks horrible at Christmas dinner . . .

And if I'm not back before it happens—Peace and Blessings to you for a Happy New Year! Thanks so much for reading!